Monday, June 25, 2012

Follow Your Heart

When we're little we always envision the person that we will spend the rest of our lives with. We dream about that perfect day when we meet that perfect someone. We wonder when it will be and how we'll come together. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to get married and have a family. Wasn't sure when or if it would ever happened, but I would dream about it. 
We all think we know what we want that person to be like, what we want their occupation to be. It doesn't usually end up the way we expect or hope it will. There's broken hearts and a million tears shed along the way. We think we find the one, but that first one never really works out like that. I know mine didn't. But, that's a part of life that we have all come to know or most of us learned to except. It was Gods' way of helping us learn from ourselves and our failures and showing us what we really want and most of all what we deserve.
I finally received my prince charming, unexpectedly and unprepared. A hot August afternoon I walked out into my driveway and see him standing there. I have never felt so complete as I did in the minute, so open, happy, excited for what was to come. I knew that very moment, that was the man I would marry. People say you know when you've met "the one". I never really believed it, maybe it was because I hadn't until that day. In that split second that I looked into his eyes, I saw my entire future, the rest of my life. HE was the one. There wasn't a doubt in my mind or nervousness in my body. I knew what I wanted and what my future held, he was it. The one person in this huge world that I had been waiting on all my life. 
We were married, I never knew I could be as happy as I was that day. 
We've been through ups and downs along our journey, trials and tribulations, joy and defeat. We have stuck together through it all, plus some. We have two beautiful children and a marriage that anyone would be dying to have. He's my best friend, my companion, my everything. He is the one person I know that I can trust and rely on more than anyone in the world. He takes care of me, no matter what. When I'm down, he lifts me up.  Has stuck by me, even at my worst. Protected me and shielded me. Loved me unconditionally. I never knew someone could love someone as much as I love him and our children. This is my life, my world, my reality. He is my prince charming. 
When your heart and mind come together and tell you it's time. Don't ignore it, follow it and you will find your happiness and yourself.
I found my dream come true and I'm living it every single day.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

True Beauty

I was driving home the other day. As I looked in the backseat at my children, they were both sound asleep. Looking like little angels, hair gently blowing across Madison's face, Hannah snoring softly sucking on her thumb.  It made me think about how they've grown up so fast and who they will grow up to be. It seems just like yesterday I was bringing Maddy home, making bottles at 2 in the morning and singing her back to sleep. Now she's singing to me, dancing around the house, mismatched clothes and shoes on her feet, twirling everywhere, saying "Look at me, Mom." She has huge dreams and high hopes. 
Hannah is still so small, just starting out in this big world, full of so many great things and amazing possibilities. As long as she has her toys and her blanket, the whole world seems right. Speaking her first words, hearing her laughter, seeing how happy she is just hearing her own voice. If she only knew how sweet it really sounds. 
I wish I could make time stop on moments like that. Just freeze the minutes into my head, as if to make sure I'll never forget that tiny little second, that means so much. 
Time never slows down, no matter how much we want it to. We just have to roll with the hills and except things the way they're meant to be. Embrace every little detail, every little sound, the tiniest of moments. 
The future holds a thousand wishes, a million prayers, and one lucky star. I'm happy to know my darling daughters will be able to become whatever they set their minds to. Whether it be a teacher, doctor, or even a dancer. Their dreams will always be a possibility, as long as they strive for what they want and don't detour away from what they believe in.
Their dreams are our dreams and our children truly are our future.